El Matador has something of a Hitman or Splinter Cell feel because of the gritty settings, the true-crime storyline where you're trying to take down the heirs to Pablo Escobar single-handedly, and the fact that just a few bursts of fire or a couple of well-placed grenades can send you to back to Washington in a body bag. But this isn't a tactical shooter or a sneaker. On the contrary, this is one of the fastest, most traditional shooters seen in recent years. It has a Doom-like pace (and soundtrack), a generic selection of weapons, and tons of enemies that are waiting around every corner. If you slow down, you'll get pinned down by withering fire and then killed by either the barrage of lead directed your way or the grenades that are always efficiently tossed into hiding spots.

Unfortunately, there is no way to handle these marksmen. They hit you even when you're totally behind cover, and they even seem to get their bullets through walls at times. These guys fire so many apparently magic bullets that somebody should be investigating them for the JFK assassination. It also doesn't help that you have to expose yourself to shoot at enemies. There is no way to lean around corners, so when you want to kill the bad guys, you have to get out in the open. And as soon as you get out there, it's generally rat-a-tat-tat--you're dead.
Med packs and bulletproof vests are also few and far between. And they're generally found only after you've blasted through convention-sized numbers of hired goons. Lots and lots of reloads are common as you stagger through the game's five or six hours of play (yes, even with the constant loading of saves, the game is still that short; there are no multiplayer modes of play either, so these abbreviated solo missions are all you get).
El Matador often provides a team of cop commandos as backup, but they are such terrible shots that it takes forever for them to kill anybody. Even worse, these cowardly morons often scramble into cover positions that you've already set up in, which typically results in your being pushed into the clear and taking a few bullets in the process. Only a slow-motion feature mitigates the crazy difficulty, and even then, it isn't very helpful. Because those never-miss baddies are so unimpressed with your exceedingly blurry Max Payne impersonation, they often manage to perforate you just as many times as you perforate them.

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