Essentially, this game follows a WWII RTS by-the-numbers design. It perfectly follows the template established by Pyro Studios' Commandos series back in 1998. The only difference is that instead of guiding a small force of plucky Yanks and Brits against carefully placed Axis guards, here you guide a small force of plucky Russian soldiers against enemy forces that at times seem to encompass the entire German army. The gameplay leans more toward Rambo than realism. This fact is emphasized from the very first mission, when you send just three of your "elite troops" to blow up a Nazi ammo depot guarded by about 100 of Hitler's finest, a few half-tracks with machine guns mounted on their roofs, an antitank gun, and a bunch of Panzer tanks.

However, there are some amenities that ease the challenge somewhat, at least after you've gone through maps and memorized enemy locations. Enemy AI is about as astute as a sack of hammers, so once you learn a map from an initial run-through, you can establish ambush points and lure the bad guys into slaughters. If you use one soldier as bait and hide the rest of the squad in the trees set on fire at will, you can just sit back and watch enemies sprint into the crosshairs. Even then, the enemies are often so numerous that they'll soon overrun your position. You usually have to adopt hit-and-run tactics and continually fade back into the woods to hide for a while when the heat is on (you're so silent and heroic that you can almost immediately lose yourself in the trees).

Some quirky control issues make it tough to beat a mission even after you've committed it to memory. A combination of quick game pace once the shooting begins and fidgety icons for targeting enemies and for taking cover make it hard to lock on to enemies in combat and smartly hide in the brush. It's easy to get caught up in battles and accidentally click beside foes, which of course just triggers a movement command and makes your soldier a sitting duck. Soldiers also seem to change posture on a whim, abruptly standing up to toss a grenade or squeeze off a couple of rounds, which makes them easy targets. You can pause and issue orders, slow the speed down when needed, and take full control of an individual soldier with the direct control option, but you have to adjust all of these functions so much during battles that it sometimes feels like you're playing with the interface rather than with the actual game.
That interface is also pretty rough and ready. While Silent Heroes features the role-playing-game style interface common to squad-based WWII games, it quickly becomes irritating because you have to use it constantly. Ammo and supplies, such as bandages and grenades, are very scarce in your default troop loadouts, so you have to eternally scrounge supplies from dead Germans to avoid running dry during firefights. As a result, you can spend more time managing your inventories than killing the enemy.

Even with its good points and price tag of just $20, Silent Heroes exudes such a "been there, done that" vibe that it's hard to get interested in it. The excruciating difficulty, limited map design, poor AI, and lack of multiplayer make it a tough sell. Even if you are one of the few gamers out there still craving to take on the Nazis in an RTS, there are much better options available.

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