Seven years is a long time. The latest game to remind us of this unfortunate fact is Enemy Engaged 2, a disappointing sequel to GameSpot's simulation of the year back in 2000, Enemy Engaged: RAH-66 Comanche Versus Ka-52 Hokum. Actually, it's a stretch to even call this a true sequel because this supposedly "new" game is actually just a revamped version of the original with slightly upgraded graphics and some new bugs. There is still an outstanding simulation of helicopter gunship combat buried in here, although it's basically a seven-year-old one with equal parts good and bad new additions.

Still, because the original game was such a great blend of a hardcore flight sim and accessible action, it's not as if Enemy Engaged 2 is terrible. The three dynamic campaigns remain intense and involving. There is a serious been-there, done-that vibe going on because only the Korean campaign is actually new. But even though the Lebanese and Chinese campaigns seem like straight rehashes from the earlier game, they reward replays because of the dynamic structure that hits you with all sorts of realistic mission offers. These include reconnaissance flights, escorts, probing raids into unknown enemy-held territory, direct attacks on missile sites, and so forth.

Unfortunately, there are some unpleasant surprises here as well. Much of the battlefield terrain is buggy. Objects flash in and out; landscape features, such as rivers and forests, seem to just pop into sight; and choppy frame rates plague you at inopportune times. And on top of those issues, crashes are a fairly common occurrence when loading missions. Audio quality is great, particularly the radio chatter, but it sure seems to be the same sound files that were used in the original game. Artificial intelligence is also a bit wonky. Enemy aircraft make some odd maneuvers, while allied and enemy troops, as well as armor columns, have trouble navigating roads. The menu and configuration systems really need some work because they're confusing and clunky. It shouldn't be this hard to set up a joystick or pick a mission during the campaign. The multiplayer mode supports only direct IP connections.

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