Main Game Dinner Dash

Game Dinner Dash : Sebagai seorang pelayan sebuah restoran, misimu adalah mengatur tempat duduk pelanggan dan melayani pesanan mereka. Jangan biarkan pelanggan menunggu terlalu lama. . Terdiri dari 3 seri yaitu Diner Dash, Diner Dash 2 dan Diner Dash Flo on the Go-aku menyebutnya DD3. Game tentang memasak yang pertama kali dimainkan dan akhirnya makin menggilainya, hingga jika ada sekuel terbaru langsung mencarinya :D.

Prinsip bermainnya hampir sama dengan Delicious, hanya jenis makanan yang dipesan oleh pelanggan per mejanya tidak terlihat jelas seperti di Delicious. Di dalam Diner Dash, pesanan per meja untuk 1,2,3,4,5 atau 6 orang, dipukul rata sama semuanya. Game ini semakin menarik setelah sekuelnya yang terbaru, Diner Dash Flo on the Go keluar. Benar-benar ada perubahan, kita dibawa untuk mengenal lebih dekat dengan Flo serta bisa mendadani Flo semau kita, mau dibikin norak juga bisa =)).

This Is A Fun Game but hard if your having troble on any level's on Resturant 3, 4.5 always use the drinks and the podium when you see lots of customer's in line use podium even if they aren't mad bacause if you use it when there mad by the time the podium give's them heart's all of them will be gone and also keep on chaining that mean's put the colour of your customer with the colour of the chair then you'll get extra money keep on doing that and you'll beat it and avoid as much as possible to seat noisey people with normal people when one of your customer's heart's get low like let's say down to 2 heart's then they won't pay you that much there just gonna pay like only 40 or 50 even the bussiness women's will do that so keep an eye on there heart's when there heart's do get low get them a drink and when the bussiness women's come give the drinks until there heart's are all full if you do this there gonna pay you high there gonna pay you up to 190 well i gotta go bye i hoped this helped you and good luck to all i hope you read this PlayFirst Support Because i wanna have a Featred Account so i can get the badge for it. bye all and good luck with diner dash and also practice your skill's on Endless shift's start off with Easy Then Work your Self up all the way to hard then you'll be an expert at diner dash have fun and Enjoy BYE

Ceritanya bermula dari seorang Flo, yang mau membantu restoran-restoran yang hampir pailit. Jika kita berhasil memainkannya, berarti Flo juga berhasil membawa sukses kembali untuk restoran tersebut. Setiap seri game-nya menghadirkan 5 restoran dengan satu restoran harus dilewati 10 level.

Ok, demikian sedikit mengenai Game Dinner Dash, selamat bermain... 

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