As in the original, the expansion features separate human, alien, and predator campaigns (three levels for each) that all intersect at certain points. Primal Hunt feels like a retread of segments from Aliens Versus Predator 2, but without that game's novelty, great pacing, or skillfully executed action sequences. On top of that, while the new developers at Third Law have copied Monolith's design, they haven't done it closely enough, and they generally screw up the parts that worked in the original.

The graphics and sound are all about the same as in the original. Most of the environments, in fact, appear to be taken almost directly from Aliens Versus Predator 2. Three new monsters have been added, though they all look too goofy and cartoonlike for their surroundings. As sort of an acknowledgement of their weakness, two of them are really utilized only once or twice. The third--a big worm that, in a really annoying reversal of the developer's alien strategy, arbitrarily pops up from directly beneath your feet--is used too often.

Improbably, Primal Hunt suffers from copying the original both too much and not enough. The original Aliens Versus Predator 2 was a much better game, and you'd be better off going back and playing it again instead.

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