Results of a survey of American adolescents have appeared in the June edition of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, and they paint what is likely to be a reassuring picture for those willing to listen: less than half of adolescents are gamers, and they spent a small enough time gaming that it plays a minimal role in their lives. But don't expect the mainstream media to report this. Instead, coverage so far is leading with the more sensational headline, "Video Games Cut Into Teens' Reading, Studying." The truth is anything but.
The study obtained data by having about 1,500 representative adolescents in an existing survey population complete 24-hour time-use diaries, which provided detailed descriptions of their activities on randomly chosen days. The researchers found that 36 percent of adolescents played video games, and that there's a stark split along gender lines: 80 percent of those gamers were boys. Typical use was about an hour of gaming a day during the week and an hour and a half on weekends (females played less than males).
The authors then compared the gaming population to the non-gamers on a set of five activities: interactions with parents and with friends, reading, homework, and sports. They controlled for basic demographic issues, such as adjusting figures on the time spent with parents according to the hours the parents worked; student times were adjusted based on the hours they worked or spent in school.

Instead of turning kids into loners, gaming largely fell in line with general trends of social interactions. Although there was some variability between the sexes, children who gamed with their friends generally spent more time with friends in every other activity. A similar trend held with parents, in that children who had fewer interactions with their parents in general were less likely to game with their parents, as well.
The strongest effect seen in the study was related to homework. In this case, homework and gaming were unrelated in boys; the same trend held for girls during the week. But, on weekends, each hour girls spent gaming was correlated to 13 fewer minutes spent on homework, a drop of 34 percent. Still, the authors caution that this link does not indicate a drop in academic effort; they note that it's entirely possible that gamers organize their time better. Again, this important observation has been ignored.

taken from : arstechnica.com
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